Saturday, February 27, 2010

I must speak a word...

I hope, the words that will be coming out of my mouth will give glory to HIM. I know to many times we hear of preachers and pastors getting into scandals and they shock people. Why do they shock people? I think it is because people secretly hold them higher than themselves. We see them behind the cool looking stand (that always seems to resemble a cross), nice suite and tie, and good stories and think man I would not mind being him. The thing is when we are confronted with the notion to do the same we seem to have "excuses".

Why is it we back down when it comes to speaking? We all do it enough anyways. I think it is because we know, deep down inside, that it is more than just speaking. We are proclaiming truth. Truth does not just work on the ones that are hearing but the one projecting the words as well.

Just think if what we said would effect us for the rest of our lives. When it comes to teaching or preaching we seem to always think it is for the ones that "need" to hear it. Christ does not seem to always work this way. If you look at the Pharisees (teachers of the day) they would stand on the street corners proclaim how much better they were then the next Joe. We are like this, I have notice that in my own life recently the "mistakes" of others but have not truly evaluated my own. How wrong am I? Dead wrong.

We need to realize what ever we teach or preach, that it is not about what we have to say. We like to blow smoke up our butts (you know it is true). We always tell about the one that "got away". It was massive, i mean it was practically the size of the boat. When you really mean, I was lazy and lost a 6 ounce blue gill...

Stop trying to impress the world and realize that what we might be teaching or preaching is really meant for ourselves. God uses all things to teach us. Why wouldn't he use what we have prepared to teach ourselves?

Remember may the words that are spoken in truth not only set the listener free but yourself as well...

until next time...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


A celebration of the past... It is one of those days that reminds you of how old you are, the birthing of you, the entrance of another being in the world and so much more.

I find it fun and interesting at the same. Today I turn 24 years of age. I know some might think, "man he is young" or "hey im around that age" even "man you are old". I have actually been told that I was old by a 7 year old.

As time seems to progress and speed up my body stands still. We can see ourselves age as the days seem to melt away. Whether it be the pounds of prosperity building on our sides or the white hair that pops up occasional or the wanting to take more naps and go to be a little sooner. Age is a number that seems to not correlate with mind. Why might we be this way?

I am unsure. I do know that I look forward to the days of old. I hope that this body of mine will make it another year. I know we are not guaranteed a day or a minute but If I am, I hope to portray truth.

What truth you may ask? Well it seems more and more as time has gone on in my (almost) 2 and half decades of life here on earth that truth just does not matter. It is alright to believe as you please and not let it effect anyone else. This seems all fine and dandy but what does that have anything to do with anything? Why walk around and believe that your truth is right but do nothing to "impose" it on anyone else. How selfish are we to do so?

I do not understand this concept of truth. I believe what I want and wont share it. As long as I dont share it then no one can share it on me. We see through out our land, the appeasing of every group that walks the earth. This just doesnt happen and cant.

Truth is something that can not be held in. Truth is something that all must hear. Truth is not a thing that belongs to the individual. Truth is what died on the cross. Truth rose after three days in a grave. Truth saves. Truth lives. Truth will never die.

There was the birth of Truth. Some think Truth never really lived. why? Truth has been recorded for thousand upon thousands of years. Not only in the book of Truth but out side sources as well. Truth has been woven into time for all entirety. Truth knows all and loves all. Truth must discipline (which is a sign of love).

Truth became like us, he walked amongst us, was tested and Truth past. People have always tried to disprove the Truth and the false test never could stand up to the Truth.

What is this truth... Christ. Oh man. Some new that this was coming, others might say what the (beep). Why is it this name is controversial? He is the one that sacrificed all when He was completely innocent.

I dare you all to take the time and read up on truth... Christ Jesus.

until next time...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

just let go...

The title of this post is one of the most difficult things to do. Can you remember a time in your life that you held onto the past?

It makes me laugh every time I think about it. What is "it"? The movie Napoleon Dynamite. For those that have seen the movie, you might roll your eyes or laugh, can remember the scene that I am about to describe. The main character, Napoleon, has an uncle... Uncle Rico. Uncle Rico is this man that has no life, or so it seems. We do know that he likes to film himself throwing a football and he lives in a van. Uncle Rico is talking to his nephew, kip, at the time. He is remembering, with such resentment, of the year 1982. If only the coach had put him in, 4th quarter of the high school state championship game, they would of won. He even makes the statement that he could through a football over the mountains in the distance.

Crazy, right? Of course it is. He is a grown adult that is talking about going back to be a high school football star. Do not get me wrong, I enjoy football, but to go back and relive "the glory days". In this story you find out that he thinks, just by being put in the game, he would of gone onto bigger and better things. We are all like this, are we not?

Keep thinking about the past.

There is a movie that just came out on DVD this last month called "Love Happens". In the very beginning of the movie we have Burke, played by Aaron Erckheart. Now Burke is a handsome man that enjoys a drink. He is a motivational speaker and helps people overcome loss in their lives. We find out (sorry a spoiler) that Burke lost his wife in a terrible car accident 3 years prior. The interesting thing is, while Burke is helping others he never helps himself. He never really gets over the loss of his wife. It is eating him alive. He speaks of drinking only being a band-aid on an open wound, it never really helps but helps hide the hurt. He doesnt even follow his own advise that has helped thousands but he is drinking, alone, and hurting.

In our lives we feel alone... dont we? So many times we hold onto such hurt, pain, anger, loss, tragedy and animosity towards people or situations. I am not saying to get over it right away because that would be wrong as well, we all need time to grieve and to process all that is going on.

In John 4, we find Jesus needing to go to Galilee from Judea. In between these to areas was the area of Samaria. During this time the Samaritans were not usually look highly upon by the Jewish culture. But Jesus needed to make his destination. While walking through this area he stops at a well. The odd part of the story is a woman. She is there at the well by herself and she was a Samaritan. Women in that day and age were not spoken to by men... even husbands would not address their wives in public. But Jesus spoke to the woman, mind you Jesus is a Jew and the woman is a Samaritan. This is like, the mermaids in the movie little mermaid speaking to human. It just does not happen. What Jesus does is fascinating to me. He ask for water.

He ask her for some water. Out of all the things he does, he ask for water. This is a simple task but a profound one. Christ was crossing not only cultural boundaries but country borders and political stigmas, just by asking for water. Then woman spoke to him. They go on a little dialog hunt. She doesnt understand what he is saying but water that is everlasting. So Jesus does something else that it is truly amazing. He exposes her past. He shows her that he knows things that the average person let alone a Jew would know of her. She has five husbands, and the one she is with now is not her husband. Crazy...

This would freak me out. Just think your walking up to the local watering hole and this man is speaking to you, ask for some water and then exposes one your darkest secrets!!!!

Wild. Anyway back to the story at hand. The woman thinks he is a prophet or someone that can see the past or the future. Which then brings her to the topic of religion. Another heavy topic amongst people groups. These can be build into hate arguments with people. People lose friends over this topic. She, the woman at the well, speaks of how the Samaritans worship on mountains and the Jews in the the temple. I think this was her way of saying that the Jews do worship their way and the Samaritans do it a different. But Jesus says the second most profound thing, soon the true worshipers will worship. Then she says well I know there is this messiah that is coming... Jesus reply's "I am HE".

So... many times we let the past effect who we are now. In this story, which I encourage you to read (john 4), the woman is alone at the well. She is an outcast amongst her own people. Remember the Jews at the time did not associate with Samaritans, this woman was alone. We find out she has five husband and she is with one that is not her husband. She is an out cast. She knows what she has done is wrong and she has let the things of her past control her situation in the present. But then Jesus comes along, crosses cultures and borders to talk to her. He exposes her past and lets her know she can be free from this through Him.

I challenge you that are Christians to cross borders and boundaries... to go your neighbor, jobs, the town next to you, the state or even across the world to let people know that there is someone that can forgive you of your past. Now if your not a Christian... Take the time search out Christ. It doesn't matter what you have done... He forgives.

Matthew 11:28 -- Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

until next time...

The world spins and your not the center...

In a world that gives everything on a silver platter, it focuses on us. We sit in our recliners, with our computers ( that are endowed with wireless internet), osculating heaters, tv’s with satellite, cell phones that do everything from calenders to having application that can run the power point presentation and we think the world owes us something. How strange it is that we have this narcissistic mind set.

We walk around expecting our cell phones to get perfect reception every second. Everything is digital now, or at least it seems this way. It was only 15 years ago that people had the cell phones that were large and had green screens. This was the time when antennas had a purpose. I remember when people would walk with cell phones in the air because they received no service. People would be in the most interesting positions, you would see them standing on top a car with the phone raised high just to get the right signal. Standing by they car, so they thought, would give them great reception. How crazy is this. It really has not been that long ago.

Fast food has been around for decades now, I bet that is strange for some to think. Lets take the words “fast food” and break these two words down. First we have the word “fast” which means hurried, quick, hasty, rapid and even swift1. Then we have the word “food” which is anything that can be consumed for nourishment of the body. Think about the idea of fast food. No one cares who you are. The people who are placing the order has no process of taking care of the food that is coming out to you. They push a touch screen computer that they hope will send the correct message to the back, for those to put your meal together (notice there is no verbal communication). If you have realized it or not they have name tags (the people working). Do we really care about their names? Most likely not. But let’s get back to these two words “fast food”. If we take the two definitions and put them together you get; hurried, quick, hasty, rapidly prepared food that is for the nourishment of the body. None of this shows a minuscule once of care. Even the environment of a fast food restaurant is sorely focused on who can we get in, order food and leave within ten minutes or so.

In these restaurant of fast food we find coloring of none inviting per portions. There are seats that look deceivingly comfortable with there fluffy backs made of plastics. Everyone is welcome, but for how long? We will get your food to you in 30 seconds or less. But wait if it goes beyond such a time, I am peeved. Come on people, you just received a full course meal of a hamburger, fries and milkshake in a minute and a half; which would normally take you thirty to forty minutes to conjure up at home. Take the time to watch this video.

What did you think. Wild isn’t it? Wireless on an airplane. I was speaking with my pastor the other day and we were talking about how much things have changed. He is in his mid-fifties mind you. He was telling me a story of a young girl that is apart of our church. The young girl was wanting to use the phone. He pointed to the phone that was in the hall. This girls has to be around nine or ten at the time. He tells her to go ahead and use that phone. She has the phone receiver in her, springy cord going to the phone box and she just stares. The pastor then ask what is wrong. She told him she had no idea how the phone even worked. It was a rotary phone. You know the ones that you must turn with your finger to dial out. All she has ever known is a touch tone phone. I heard of another story that this man had an old Macintosh computer that was manufactured back in the 80s. One of the ones that had the off-white almost tan covering with a thick green glass monitor screen, yeah you know. This man brought it out for a sermon and a young boy ask if it was a toaster. What!? A toaster. He chuckled in amazement of the child’s sincere ignorance of the old computer.

Order your own food

I was sitting at lunch with a friend the other day, we decided to go to a buffet. Think about the idea of a buffet… you have a plethora of food waiting for you to waist away on. Usually the food has been sitting there for hours, or so it seems. We got to talking about youth and college age students. He was the director at the local denomination organization that was put on campus for students to go and attend if they so please. We got to discussing at how a junior in high school is starting to look no different that a sophomore in college. Not meaning physically they look different, because there is a difference between a sixteen and nineteen year old but their mentality toward life. For instance, if the students are ask to be involved in a activity it is almost stressful for them to be there. Collins, this is the director I am eating with, was telling me that he has some great dynamic people that are involved in the ministry that is on campus. Most of these individuals are of the ages of eighteen to twenty. He was telling of one in particular that was willing to include and meet new people. Which is great but when ask to do something more he became extremely lethargic toward the idea. Eventually the task appointed for him never became completed. Collins could not understand, he was telling me it is much like when you are younger living at home and you go to a fast food restaurant. You would look to your parents and say I would like the number one with no pickle. Then they would order it for you. As you grew up your parents would eventually tell you to order your own food.

Collins was seeing that the ones coming up had no sense of worth or value and could not do much for themselves. It reminds of this one time I was traveling all over the Midwest teaching soccer and the word of God. It is a great organization called Sports Crusaders that I was going with. This was a summer long internship/ mission work. We would go each week to a new town and stay with people that were willing to open their homes for us to lay our heads. Well there was this one time that one of the students that I was teaching actually stayed in the same house as me and my teammates. This usually did not occur, the student was visiting grandma and grandpa for the week. Any way one night the hostess fixed this amazing roast, potatoes, green beans, gravy, in other words the works. Smelled great. While we were waiting I hear the hostess ask her grandson, the student, what he wanted and he replied with “chicken nuggets”! My jaw dropped. Growing up, if mom fixed dead cat we were having dead cat, just so you know we did not have cat, but if we were that is what we would of eaten. The student was able to have what he wanted.

Just a question; why do we fall into this? We think that this world is revolving around us.... Just realize The world spins and your not the center...

until next time...

Sex is not the greatest thing on earth...

A while back on VH1 there was the show called “Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew”. In this show you get to see in the lives of people that are completely consumed by sex… They can not even get out of bed to go to the store because they are so enthralled. Anyway I was on F.B. today and saw on Mark Driscoll is on Dr. Drew’s radio show called Love Line.

In this radio show there was a woman that called in and said she wants so be in Porn… This is insane… She sees this glamor world that is portrayed as amazing and wonderful. Why would a woman want to expose herself to such use?!? Not only this she is married… WHAT!?!? I do not get it.

Mark Driscoll says something great to her… “Let us say you are older and you have a 26 year old daughter. She comes up to you and tells you ‘mom, I have put much thought into my decision and I think I want to be in porn…’ Of course you wont want that..” But the woman just didnt really get the picture.

Let me beak it down for you… SEX is not the greatest thing on earth… Our world we live in is pornified completely… From jokes, to superheroens, to vampires, commercials, tv, movies, magazines, to ads, even to our minds… We have gone away from what true love is.

The best part of my relationship with my wife has nothing to do with Sex (dont get me wrong I like sex with my wife). I know many people will disagree and I could care less. The best part of my relationship with my wife is this… We love each other. We counter each other. Where I struggle she is strong and where she struggles I am strong. We really try to strive to build each other up… It is this constant growth process. That is what I love about my relationship with my wife. I am to love her Like Christ Loves the church… He died for it. We as men are to be completely sacrificial for our wives. It is not the 50/50 it is 100/0… We are to give all no matter if they give none. Till death do us part.

until next time…


To many times in our lives we think it is about the who’s who, what’s what or the how’s how… You get it… you know, the Bee’s knees or the cat’s meow…

It seemed this way for myself as I grew. Seeing the older sibling excel at all (or so it seemed). But enough about him let us talk about her… the girl in the picture. So beautiful in the pink-ish shirt…

These days, the picture portrays, is a hint to what was only to come.

What was to come, you may ask. LOVE… A LOVE That was so undeserved. I never knew that the women in the picture would love a man who failed time and time again. I don’t mean the failing of grades (which happened) or the failure of the soccer game or even the failure to brush my teeth that day, but the failure to God… She saw such discussed but she decided to LOVE…

The girl, or i should say WOMAN… Spoke to me, looked at me and decided (he may have chest hair) but I love him. How could this be???? Thoughts running and racing left then right… Man I might sweat.

Look at her… the picture so interesting… She is in the light and I in the shadow… Truth is spoken in this picture. A love and beauty that radiates off of her and covers me. How undeserving I am.

As you may notice… no ring on that finger of hers… later that would come. That man, with the chest hair (me), decided to grow a pair and say “hey… want to take a walk” (manly… right?) The thing was she said YES… and the story only begun…

To my love, my lily, my world… When she is gone for minutes, hours, or days… my world is much like the broken clock… She is the battery to my car… the cheese to my mac… the apple of my eye… she is the who’s who, the what’s what and the how’s how… You get it… she is the Bee’s knees and the cat’s meow… She is My WIFE!!!!

until next time…