Saturday, May 15, 2010

Running my way to a half marathon...

Hey guys... It has been a month or so since I have written on this blog. I have been thinking I should be writing about things with meaning. Not just the random thoughts hear and there.

With out further adu...

I am planning on running a half marathon... I am unsure where this marathon will take place but I want to do this. I want to keep everyone up-to-date on my progress. I am finding that I must learn to run a 5k comfortably before I embark on the 13 mile trek called a "Half-marathon".

I have the nutrition part of my done to a "T". Tomorrow will by official weigh in day... But to date I weigh 190 lbs... so we will see about tomorrow. I hope to get down to 185 at some point in my life. I have not weighed that much since I was in middle school (7th grade to be exact).

On to my work out...

Here it is...

6 week program (prepare for a 5k)...

Week 1

Sunday -- 1 Mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Monday -- 2 Mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Tuesday -- Rest

Wednesday -- 2 mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Thursday -- 2 mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Friday -- 2 mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Saturday -- Rest

I am a little nervous about all of this. I also hope to start more push ups, sit ups and pull ups. One reason I am getting into all of this because I know how I am. If I dont do anything about this I will end up gaining weight, being fat, and completely lazy.

Please pray that I will be able to stick to this and preserver. I know I can but my willingness to do so needs to shine through.

Take it easy.