Saturday, May 15, 2010

Running my way to a half marathon...

Hey guys... It has been a month or so since I have written on this blog. I have been thinking I should be writing about things with meaning. Not just the random thoughts hear and there.

With out further adu...

I am planning on running a half marathon... I am unsure where this marathon will take place but I want to do this. I want to keep everyone up-to-date on my progress. I am finding that I must learn to run a 5k comfortably before I embark on the 13 mile trek called a "Half-marathon".

I have the nutrition part of my done to a "T". Tomorrow will by official weigh in day... But to date I weigh 190 lbs... so we will see about tomorrow. I hope to get down to 185 at some point in my life. I have not weighed that much since I was in middle school (7th grade to be exact).

On to my work out...

Here it is...

6 week program (prepare for a 5k)...

Week 1

Sunday -- 1 Mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Monday -- 2 Mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Tuesday -- Rest

Wednesday -- 2 mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Thursday -- 2 mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Friday -- 2 mile (easy should be able to carry on a conversation)

Saturday -- Rest

I am a little nervous about all of this. I also hope to start more push ups, sit ups and pull ups. One reason I am getting into all of this because I know how I am. If I dont do anything about this I will end up gaining weight, being fat, and completely lazy.

Please pray that I will be able to stick to this and preserver. I know I can but my willingness to do so needs to shine through.

Take it easy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It has been a while...

I know that I have not posted for a long time. But that is ok. There is a website out called "I am Second"... the website itself it Have you ever thought that you would never do that... what ever that might be. Have you ever been so engrossed in something that you did not even realize it was completely wrong or may be you did realize the shame that was involved with what ever it was? please take the time to watch this flick (it's only 8:45 seconds long).

click here
to watch the testimony of Nate Larkin.

until next time...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So many times I see myself evaluating others. I will sit and hear something a person has said and my insides will curl. For the most part I must keep my mouth shut because I know what I will say will neither up lift the person I am speaking to or give honor to Christ. It is sad when I am like this. I almost get angry. We have conviction and need to voice those, but at what expense? In seeing this in myself I was wondering something else. How much do I invest in Christ. I am so worried about what a friend has but do I really worry at what Christ has said.

In the Bible there is John that wrote both the book of John and Revelation. Focusing on the book of Revelation we see that John has been imprisoned on the isle of Patmos. Here John has this amazing encounter with Christ. He is suppose to write to seven churches through out the area: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

I really want to focus on Revelation 3:14-22... The church of Laodicea. Have we heard of this name before in Scripture? Yes… Colossians 2:1, 4:15 and Revelation 1:11. If the church is mentioned in Colossians this means Paul knew of them. If you look in those scriptures you know that Paul had not had the opportunity to meet them in person.

Look at the Revelation 3:14-22... What is going on? It starts out by saying that Jesus wants to spit them out of His MOUTH!!!! Holy cow! There was one time when I was at my grandma’s. It was one of those hot summer days in Kansas. I was craving something nice and cool. So, as any 7 year old would, chocolate milk was it. I had to make it myself. I remember walking to the fridge, grabbing the milk and chocolate syrup. As I find a large cup I get the spoon for stirring as. I pour the milk to about 1/3 inch away from the lip of the cup and start to stir in the chocolate syrup until it fills the cup. I am so proud of myself, look what I have done as a “big boy”. As any self-respecting man would do I took the largest drink ever. As I swallowed I felt my gag reflects kick in… I had used buttermilk. I do know if you have ever experienced such awfulness as this, but man it was horrible. I was wanted to spew it out of my mouth. This is much what Christ wanted to do with the church of Laodicea.

Why would Christ want to puke this up? It had to be pretty disgusting. As we read on in this section we find out that the church was rich, wealthy and needed nothing. Who does this sound like? It sounds like me. I am not considered rich or wealthy in the United States standard of the two words, but if you think about it I am. The average person in the world today lives on 2 bucks a day… My wife and I spent $11.57 for lunch alone. I fillled my car up for $30.75. The DSLR camera I would like to have cost $520.95 on Do not be get me wrong it is ok that we are able to do such things. I had to think about how wealthy I really am. I am able to pay my bills, have food on the table, go see a movie and even type on this computer and still have money leftover at the end of the month.

Christ goes as far to tell this church that they are blind, miserable, naked and poor. Why is this? Because they are investing into the wrong thing. We can assume from this little passage that they were investing strictly in what the world had to offer.

But what is great, even though Christ wants to spew them out, He offers an alternative… Christ. Christ wants the church to invest in Him. Christ is telling them to repent and turn back to what He has. He loves them and disciplines them much like a father disciplines his child.

I encourage all of us to check ourselves and see if we are investing in what the world has to offer. Which in turn Christ wants to vomit over or are we investing in Christ and growing in Him?

until next time...

Saturday, March 27, 2010


It is that time again... For all that read this wonderful thought-blog, SATURDAY SILVER SCREEN SCRUTINY!!!

Is the Blind side worth it???? YES IT IS... A movie that will touch the hearts of all. It is most definitely the feel good movie of the year. I have always been a sucker for the base-on-true-story flicks (i.e. "Remember The Titans", "Miracle", or "Radio"). All of these movies need to be praised.

But the Blind Side has a different feel. What I mean by this is the blatant Christianity through out. It is not an out pour of "Jesus Freakishness". But in this movie we follow the life of Micheal Oher (or part of the his life anyway). He is this high school aged kid that has no home. We start out by seeing him being introduced to a Christian Academy. This Academy is impressive. What I mean by this is the library (for instant) looked more like a the "hippest" College campus than what I was ever use to growing up. My schools library consisted of metal book shelves and poorly put together wooden tables and chairs. Dont get me wrong I was educated (how well is a different question) but not in the likes of these.

Anyway we find out that Micheal Oher is a large individual, 6'04 250+... Big man. I thought the movie was going to be solely focused on him but I was pleasantly mistaken. We can not talk about Micheal Oher without speaking of the Tuohy's. A family that has all. They are of the upper echelon of Memphis TN. They are the fast food kings and queens, owning many of the TB and KFCs (and others for sure). We see them start taking an interest in this young mans life when he is walking "home" in the rain. As you may know (just from watching the previews) that Micheal ends up becoming part of this family and doing really well for him self. So much so that he ends up playing pro football for the Ravens. Do not get me wrong this movie is not all about the feel good. We get to see where Micheal comes from and how no one wants to claim him as their own. We see flash backs of what he went through and the hard ships conveyed. This movies does such a great job (as many of them) of you rooting for the underdog.

This movie would not be what it was with out the cast. We have Sandra Bullock, who plays Mrs. Tuohy, who does her best performance ever. The Oscars were right in awarding her the best female actor award. This movie would of been good with out her but it became great with her. Then we have Tim McGraw as Mr.Tuohy. Jae Head as S.J. Tuohy (he stands out in his own right), the kid was dynamic and funny. Lily Collins who plays Collins Tuohy. We can not forget Kathy Bates character Ms Sue. Last but not least Quinton Aaron who plays Micheal Oher.

All in all this movie was one of the best family films ever. I recommend everyone to lay eyes on this film, you will not be disappointed. See what sacrifice and love looks like. I give this movie a 4.7 out 5 stars.

until next time...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the everyday...

I sit and think... As many people do. I seems to get me in trouble sometimes, I believe this is why we are to take every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5). Our thoughts are persuaded by the craziness of this world that is falling apart. Do not get me wrong we are to think and meditate on things certain things (i.e. Christ, homeless, the sick...) This does not mean that we sit and just let all pass us by, because faith without deeds is useless (James 2:17).

Through the week I will get up in the morning and go to work (of course I will get ready, brush teeth and things of that sort). I will be "productive" at work , go eat lunch, come back to work and then go running and lifting. We get home from our workout, that lasted approximately one hour, and shower. Then we will eat some grub and watch the tube. From this point on our evening consist of me either taking a nap, looking at soccer things on the internet or watching even more TV (sometimes I will play the Wii). That is it, my average week in a nut shell.

I am sure most of you that read this, might of thought "Man, that is the most exciting week ever" or "Look at all he has accomplished"... NOPE!!! I know this is not what you thought or at least when I read over the week it is not what I would say.

How sad, my weeks are truly sad. I, as so many of us do, get into a routine and find it satisfactory. That is it, simply satisfactory. Where is the sacrifice in this monotonous routine? I am unsure. Yes, because I am a minister I have to devote more of my time toward the congregation of people that I am hired to help guide. DO not get me wrong, there is some sacrifices. But if this were not my job would I make the same sacrifices? Would I go to church an hour and half early to pick people up on the bus? On Wednesday, would I take two hours out of my day to go drive the bus for the church? Would I be willing to prepare a message for a bunch of students, that never listen, if this was not in my job description? I would love to stand and say "YES I WILL"... more than likely it would more of "Let me pray about that"! What a cope out!!!

How lazy I have become... There is a song out, from the Passion Conference, by Chris Tomlin called Awaken. In this song there is one line that helps me see what I should pray... "Like a rising sun... Awake my Soul".

I challenge you all to pray this. We are stuck in the "everyday" routine of life. When are we going to let our Souls be Awaken to more than just the everyday. May God awaken our souls to change the "everyday" around us.

until next time...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I know it is Sunday... I wanted to go ahead and write this review. The reasons why? This movie is great... the movie you may ask "Equilibrium"

This movie I would label a "man" movie. When I say "man" movie I am speaking of those movies that make you stand and say I only wish I was able to do that, or ouch, or I feel more manly after watching that movie (dont get me wrong I am secure with the man that I am).


In this movie we follow the life of the Top Level Cleric (Elite Solider) of all... John Preston (Christian Bale). In this post world war 3 world we find out that there is a man named "Father" that has a totalitarian grip on all. Now we see that all is being held into order by elite soldiers. Of course in any movie that has one ruling force there is an underground that is trying to over through the "father" of their world. The one that is trying to control all must use some kind of brain wash to control the minds of the minions. In this we see that all that are under the control has a shot that they must inject themselves. We see early in the film that any history is to be burned because it can drive emotion. Also we find out that John Preston has no remorse when He has to kill his partner (Sean Bean) for having a book. After this surprising kill John Preston is coupled with Taye Diggs' character Brandt. Now Brandt seems to have a man crush (or just admires) John Preston... But there is more than meets the eye with this one. A twist starts to occur when John Preston drops a dose of the mind control and starts understand the concept of Feeling... Take the time to watch this highly action packed suspense movie.

This 2002 flick was over shadowed by the likes of "the Matrix". The graphics are not the greatest but the film is great. I rate this film a 3.2 out of 5 stars.

Until next time...

A Small synopsis of the past week...

I decided this past week I decided to lay off the blogging... I see myself getting sucked into this montage of words... But we will continue again with this small synopsis of the past well...

  1. Home alone
  2. Lost 3 lbs (down to 193)
  3. Watch a few movies
  4. Played soccer
  5. Taught about Jesus
  6. Went to get my wife
  7. Went to the St. Louis Zoo
  8. Came home with my wonderful wife
Interesting right? I am sure... I forgot I also ate and slept as well...

until next time...