Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the everyday...

I sit and think... As many people do. I seems to get me in trouble sometimes, I believe this is why we are to take every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5). Our thoughts are persuaded by the craziness of this world that is falling apart. Do not get me wrong we are to think and meditate on things certain things (i.e. Christ, homeless, the sick...) This does not mean that we sit and just let all pass us by, because faith without deeds is useless (James 2:17).

Through the week I will get up in the morning and go to work (of course I will get ready, brush teeth and things of that sort). I will be "productive" at work , go eat lunch, come back to work and then go running and lifting. We get home from our workout, that lasted approximately one hour, and shower. Then we will eat some grub and watch the tube. From this point on our evening consist of me either taking a nap, looking at soccer things on the internet or watching even more TV (sometimes I will play the Wii). That is it, my average week in a nut shell.

I am sure most of you that read this, might of thought "Man, that is the most exciting week ever" or "Look at all he has accomplished"... NOPE!!! I know this is not what you thought or at least when I read over the week it is not what I would say.

How sad, my weeks are truly sad. I, as so many of us do, get into a routine and find it satisfactory. That is it, simply satisfactory. Where is the sacrifice in this monotonous routine? I am unsure. Yes, because I am a minister I have to devote more of my time toward the congregation of people that I am hired to help guide. DO not get me wrong, there is some sacrifices. But if this were not my job would I make the same sacrifices? Would I go to church an hour and half early to pick people up on the bus? On Wednesday, would I take two hours out of my day to go drive the bus for the church? Would I be willing to prepare a message for a bunch of students, that never listen, if this was not in my job description? I would love to stand and say "YES I WILL"... more than likely it would more of "Let me pray about that"! What a cope out!!!

How lazy I have become... There is a song out, from the Passion Conference, by Chris Tomlin called Awaken. In this song there is one line that helps me see what I should pray... "Like a rising sun... Awake my Soul".

I challenge you all to pray this. We are stuck in the "everyday" routine of life. When are we going to let our Souls be Awaken to more than just the everyday. May God awaken our souls to change the "everyday" around us.

until next time...


Seth said...

we do live lives of complacency and contentment.

good challenge. I'm going to put this on my phone as a reminder.